Thursday, February 4, 2010

To Drink or Not to Drink Caffeine That is the Acne Free Skin Question?

Caffeine, the drug that is found in most sodas, tea and coffee is known to be a factor in causing acne in teenagers and adults alike. One must eliminate or lessen the intake of these types of drinks in order to achieve acne free skin. Studies have shown that this seems to affect more women who drink caffeine on a regular basis than men. For some reason caffeine stimulates hair follicles and sebaceous glands to the point the sebum is overproduced and starts to clog the hair follicles creating pimples. So if you seriously are in need or desire to have acne free skin and I would recommend that either cut down or cut out caffeinated drinks and foods from your diet.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Nectar of the Gods and Acne Free Skin

Acne Acne Acne! Having acne free skin and not as many outbreaks is what most people are trying to do in their teen years and through their 20s and this can be accomplished by removing certain toxins within your blood along with decreasing your water retention. This can be achieved through juicing. No not like the juicing by the big-league baseball players but by drinking fresh squeezed vegetable juice which will help you achieve acne free skin. A blend of carrot (a good base), cucumber (a natural diuretic) should cleanse the body of the toxins and water build up should be drank a few times a day in order to move you along the path to less outbreaks and acne free skin.