Sunday, January 31, 2010

Eliminate Fried Foods for Acne Free Skin!

I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to eat fried foods anymore! You should cut out fried foods from your diet especially when you're in desperate need of acne free skin. "Foods containing trans-fatty acids, such as milk, milk products, margarine, shortening and other synthetically hibernated vegetable oils, as well as fried foods must be avoided.", Says Michael T. Murray in his book Natural Alternatives to Drugs. By eliminating these types of foods you will inevitably increase your chances of having acne free skin. Not only will you be helping your skin, but you will also be helping you overall general health. So in the long run the the cutting back or cutting out fried foods from your diet you can have acne free skin along with a healthier body.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Acne Free Skin Through Diet and Exercise

Ugh! Acne... The bane of all teenagers around the globe who have to suffer those painful ugly blemishes. So what can one do to rid themselves of these little disgusting pimples and begin to enjoy acne free skin. Well for starters, one of the best ways to moving down the road to becoming zit free, is to begin to take better care of your skin. Doing this involves watching what you eat and keeping up a regular fitness regime. This can help you immensly when you are trying to achieve acne free skin. By eating a a proper diet of all the food groups and getting the correct vitamins and  nutrition will greatly improve your skin. Soon, you too will have acne free skin that you deserve!